St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

Inspiring each other to shine

St Thomas' Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN

01253 722022

"The school has a truly inclusive character.... staff know every family very well."
"Relationships with families are extremely strong and there is a welcoming, open culture."
"Teachers have high expectations and ensure that the work is challenging."
"I couldn’t have wished for a better start to my child's school life...looking forward to what Year One brings."
Parent feedback July 2023
"Relationships across the school, based on the central value of love, are exceptional. These contribute to the overwhelming feeling of being part of a very special community."
"Fantastic, hard working staff who all go above and beyond to make the school a fabulous, safe space for my child's foundation years."
Parent feedback March 2023
"The school has a wide and varied menu of after-school clubs."
"I hugely appreciate the support and care my child receives, the high standard of education and the friendly staff. Well done St Thomas'!"
Parent feedback March 2023
"The school's Nurture Room provides a safe environment in which pupils can build their confidence, develop skills and ultimately thrive."
The percentage of children achieving well is consistently above the National Average at the end of Key Stage 2."A clear Christian vision, rooted in the school's Gospel Values, is understood and articulated by all members of the school family."
"...a transforming influence in the lives of the families it serves."
"St Thomas' is a highly inclusive school."
"Excellent school, friendly teachers, brilliant range of clubs!"
Parent feedback March 2023
My child loved forest school. His teacher is amazing and he's really thriving, he always leaves school so happy."
Parent feedback March 2023
"I find the teachers are very approachable and always willing to listen."
Parent feedback March 2023
"An excellent school, especially with regards to pastoral care.....everyone knows everyone."
Parent feedback March 2023