St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

Friday 4th April - Chocolate Egg Donation Day - Wear Your Own Clothes in Exchange for a Chocolate Donation

St Thomas' Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN

01253 722022


We are a Church of England Primary School with extensive grounds situated in the heart of St Annes on Sea. Our Vision and Values and Christian Foundation are promoted and woven through everything we do.  Our school has a strong community spirit across  the whole school, our families and beyond! If you are wanting to find out more about our lovely school, we hope you find our website useful.  If you would like to learn even more about our school please do get in touch, come to meet us and see us in action.   Contact us. 


A little more information about us.....what makes us different?

We are a family school

Here at St Thomas' Church of England Primary School we are well  known for our caring, family atmosphere.  We are a one form entry school  - this means we know our pupils, parents, carers and families well.  We truly are a family school. Within the context of our small, caring family school we offer all our pupils a wide range of learning  experiences and encourage them to make the most of the varied additional extra curricular opportunities on offer, helping them to become independent, confident, well-rounded individuals. 


We know all our pupils and families well and we care for them very well

We have a team of dedicated staff, many of whom have worked at the school for a number of years.  We offer support to children as needed and to their families as needed too. Our Pastoral support worker has years of experience in supporting children and families. She works very closely with the Deputy Head, and takes a lead in the areas of pupil and familiy support, mental health support, emotional literacy support and behaviour support.  We are also able to offer practical support to our famillies and work with other external groups  and agencies where possible. 


We place a strong emphasis on using our local area and the outdoors for learning, and our children love it - wellies are a must! 

We have three fully accredited Forest School teachers on our staff team. They are extremely skilled and passionate and this is why we have a superb, dedicated Forest School area on our school site.  They have also written our very own  'Come Outside Curriculum' especially for our children and our school.   This means that, in addition to the learning in the classroom, every child, in every class, in every year of schooling takes part in this programme which enables them to step outdoors and learn across the curriculum, within our extensive grounds and beyond.  This outdoor learning helps with personla and character developments and also helps to develop and enhance all the work done in Science, Design Technology, Geography, Art, PSHE, English and Maths  - outside of the four walls of the classroom. What a fabulous way to learn.  


Our children are taught well and achieve well

Our aim is to provide the very best possible educational experience for all the children in our care – one where they will develop positive attitudes for learning, towards others and to their community.  We want every single one our pupils to fulfil their potential and achieve well in a happy secure learning environment. It's improtant to us that our pupils leave us as well rounded citizens, who are well prepared for their next stage of learning adn equipped for life in modern Britain.

Whilst results aren't everything we do, we are really pleased that we have very positive outcomes for children at the end of their time with us in Key Stage Two. Our standards in Reading Writing and Maths have been consistently above the national average. 


Our children have a very wide range of opportunities open to them

Our 'Opportunities for All' programme ensures that we have a wide and varied range of extra curricular clubs and provision for children to join in with. These many additional experiences help our pupils personal development as rounded citizens. This includes continuing to develop our school's strong tradition for Music, alongside competitive and fun Sports, Football for girls and boys, Chess, Arts & Crafts, Eco-Warriors, Coding, Science, STEM Lego, Gardening, Bookery and Baking.  As a musician myself, I am delighted that our school has a strong musical tradition and a large number of our Junior children have music lessons on a wide range of instruments and take part in our musical clubs. These are currently guitar, keyboard, drums, violin, trumpet, flute, clarinet and saxophone. Our school choir also enjoy performing together in a range of concerts and in the local community. 

In addition to this, our school encourages all our children to take part in a range of sports and other performances.  This year our children have taken part in the Dance Festival at Blackpool Winter Gardens, 'Let's Go Sing' at Blackburn King George's Hall, a KS1 Tea Dance at Fleetwood theatre,  a  joint performance with other schools in our cluster on Blackpool' North Pier, and a huge range of sporting events - netball, football, athletics, multi-skills, cricket, yoga  and rugby too! 


We are proud to be an Eco School

Our school has earned the highest award possible, Eco School Distinction, which was awarded to school in 2022.  All our children are very aware of the difference we can make to our planet and the use of it's resources and this is embedded throughout our school curriculum.  In addition to this, our school building has been part of a Decarbonisation Project.  We no longer use gas to heat or cook in our school.  The water in our heating system is warmed by heat from under the ground - a ground source heat pump! It's hi tech and incredible.  We have solar panels on our roof to supply our electricity and all our windows, doors and insulation are the best grade possible to help us to retain heat.  We are an Eco school - through and through! 


See us in action!

Our website will give you a flavour of life in our school, but if you would like to find out more about the St Thomas' family you might view our school Facebook page, or the blogs on the class pages, where we also share lots of our 'good news' stories and events.  We would love you to come and see our happy, hardworking, caring Christian school in action.  You will find a place which is a warm and welcoming, where all children are provided with a happy, secure learning environment where they are encouraged, supported and challenged as they grow and develop during their time with us.    

Mrs Lindsay Walton, 
