St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

Friday 4th April - Chocolate Egg Donation Day - Wear Your Own Clothes in Exchange for a Chocolate Donation

St Thomas' Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN

01253 722022


At St Thomas', we are proud to wear our school uniform.  School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of the school and setting an appropriate tone for learning and behaviour. Uniform can instill pride, support positive behaviour and encourage identity with our school family.   We expect our children to be as smart as possible in school, and always ask that our school families work together and support us with this.  

Our school uniform is designed to be smart, practical and affordable.  The 'branded' school uniform items - school jumpers and cardigans, ties and sports hoodies, can be purchased from: Top Marque, 7A Park Rd, Lytham Saint Annes FY8 1QX.   Other items of the school uniform are available to buy in many clothing shops and supermarkets.  Our PTFA also organise a Second hand uniform stall.  The dates and times of this will be well advertised to parents through our normal channels. 

As we have over 200 children wearing the almost the same clothing, we ask that all school uniform is marked clearly with your child’s full name, as these items can easily get mislaid or mixed up!

A summary of our uniform requirements (for full information, please refer to our Uniform Policy below)

  • Blue V neck pullover or cardigan, branded with red stripe and school logo

  • Grey tailored trousers, shorts, skirt, pinafore or culottes

  • White shirt with a ‘stiff’ button-up collar (long or short sleeved) 

  • A  school tie with red and white stripe – this may be a clip on version or a full tie 

  • Plain grey or white socks either ankle or knee length or grey tights  

As an optional alternative during the summer months, pupils may choose to wear:

  • Royal or pale blue gingham dress/culottes

Footwear requirements:

  • Sensible plain black shoes. No trainers, no heels, no boots.

  • Wellington boots are required for children in Reception class all year round. Children in other year groups will need these for their time in Forest School and taking part in the 'COme Outside' Outdoor Curriculum. (The particular terms will be advised)  

PE kit:

  • White T Shirt with round neck (required)

  • Royal blue shorts  (required)

  • Trainers which are suitable for running and moving freely - not hi-tops (required)

 These items of our PE kit are optional:

  • Plain black joggers (optional) 

  • Blue hoody with school logo (optional) 

  • Black base layer leggings under blue shorts (optional)  

Some reminders:

  • Children wear their full PE kit and trainers on their PE days

  • Earrings - only plain gold or silver studs can be worn. These should be removed or covered with plaster or surgical tape supplied from home for PE and sporting events. No other jewellery is permitted.

  • Small wristwatches can be worn. Analogue watches (with hands) are best to help children with learning to tell the time. Smart watches are not allowed. 

  • Footwear for all children should be smart, black sensible school shoes, preferably not slip on style shoes for girls  as they slip off very easily

  • No trainers or pumps (unless with PE kit)

  • No make up

  •  Long hair must be tied back each day

  • No dyed hair

  • No patterns cut into hair

  • No nail varnish

  • No polo shirts with a 'soft' collar

  • No boots including ankle boots

  • No trainer socks (unless with PE kit)


REMINDER: School Uniform & PE Kit Alterations for September 2023

Governors have decided that from September 2023 we will no longer use the ‘elasticated’ ties.  This is because over time they lose their elasticity and don’t always look as smart as we would like.  From September, children may wear either a full tie or a clip-on tie.  These are already available from our Uniform supplier – Top Marque.  

We have also made some slight changes to our PE kit:  all pupils can wear trainers (not hi tops) for PE, not black PE pumps.  Trainers are far easier to run in – and stay on better when moving around.  It is also easier for families to find trainers in the shops part way through the school year if/when your child’s feet have grown (again!) We also remind you that the white t-shirt and blue shorts are the only compulsory parts of PE kit and need to be work when doing PE indoors.  The hoody and joggers are optional and are good for warmth when doing outdoor PE.


Click here to read our School Uniform and Appearance policy