Year 4
Teacher: Mrs Mabe
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Lowe, Mrs Arciniega and Mrs Thornborough
Our Gospel Value is: Peace
Our School Councillors: Theo and Melin
Our Eco Warriors: Eva and Melody
Our SHINE Councillors: Tonaya, Heather and Robert
Our link Governor is: Mandy Palmer and Paul Pascoe
Helpful Information:
Reading records are needed in school every day.
When your child has finished reading their book they may change it for another one.
Library book changing day is Wednesday.
PE days are Tuesday and Thursday- please come in PE kits.
Homework is given out every Friday to be completed and returned by the following Thursday.
Spelling tests are weekly on Friday. Weekly scores will be written in your child's reading record.
Log-ins for Timestables Rockstars and Nessy are in the front of your child's reading record.
Musical instruments for lessons will be safely stored in Year 4's cupboard - don't forget to take them home at the end of the day!
Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack for morning playtime.
Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day (water only). Please make sure water bottles are clearly named and are returned daily after washing.
Looking ahead:
- Forest School and 'Come Outside' Curriculum in Spring Term.
- Visit to Bolton Museum on Thursday 24th April 2025.
Spring Term message from Mrs Mabe:
Welcome to Year 4,
This Spring Term we will be starting our Geography Topic “Misty Mountain, Winding River” with a fieldtrip to Fairhaven Lake. Remember to bring your wellies!
On Mondays, Year 4 will be taking part in our 'Come Outside' and Forest School curriculum. We will be planting root vegetables and potatoes, composing climate change poetry, making nettle crisps and using nature to make collages.
The exciting learning doesn't stop there, we will also be learning to play the ukulele in Music!
At St Thomas' we LOVE to read, have a look at Year 4's 50 recommended reads below. What will you read next?
Times tables! Times tables! Times tables! In June, all Year 4 children will have to complete the Multiplication Tables Check. This means it is more important than ever to be practising your timetables at every opportunity. Whether it is reciting them in the car or practising on Times Tables Rockstars (Garage) for 3 minutes per day. We will also be learning our times tables in class. For more information please see the PowerPoint below.
Please have a look at our 'Knowledge Organisers' linked below. These contain our key learning for Spring Term in Geography, Science, DT and French.
If you have any questions - please do not hesitate to ask - I am here to help!
Mrs Mabe
Useful Documents for Year 4
Year 4 'Meet the Teacher' information (Sept 24)
Year 4 'Multiplication Tables Check' information
Year 4 '50 Recommended Reads' Poster
Autumn Term Documents
Year 4 Learning Letter for Autumn
Year 4 Spellings for Autumn Term 1
Year 4 Spellings for Autumn Term 2
Year 4 Knowledge Organisers Autumn
Spring Term Documents
Year 4 Learning Letter for Spring
Year 4 Spellings for Spring Term 1
Year 4 Blog
Hot Seating
year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog
In English, Year 4 had the opportunity to interview Mrs Mabe to support their writing. The children asked brilliant questions and then took notes of the answers. This enabled the children to deepen their understanding of the views and opinions of a character. They then used this information to write a speech.
World Book Day 2025
year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog
Year 4 looked fabulous on World Book Day dressed as their favourite book characters. We brought in potato characters, we took part in a live Footy Booky quiz, we participated in a nationwide read with BBC Teach, we read our books outside in the sunshine, we listened to our teachers read their favourite books in a Big Read and we donated books for the book swap. Wow!
Hot Coconut Buns!
year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog
Year 4 have started reading their new book in English, The Baker By The Sea. We identified imperative verbs in a recipe and then followed the imperative verbs to make Hot Coconut Buns. They were delicious!
Moneysense Workshop
year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog
Mike from Natwest visited Year 4 on Tuesday for a Moneysense workshop. Year 4 had to plan a birthday party within a budget of £150. The children had to learn to prioritise, one group realised that the food served 10 so decided only to invite 9 guests to keep costs down. Well done Year 4!
Shrove Tuesday
year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog
Year 4 loved their coconut pancakes on Shrove Tuesday! Yum!
Topography and Contour Lines
year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog
In Geography, Year 4 have been learning about mountains. Did you know that a mountain has to be over 610m to be classed as a mountain? This week, we have been using maps to identify the topography of land using contour lines to find mountains. The closer together the contour lines the steeper the land! We then recorded the location of the mountain peak by using our knowledge of grid references.
NSPCC Number Day
year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog
Year 4 loved NSPCC Number day! We played 'Who wants to be a Mathionaire?' with Year 3 in the hall, we timed ourselves completing different circuits and recorded our reps, we made polygons by folding A4 pieces of card, we donated our money to the NSPCC by placing our coins on a giant star in the library and then estimated how much money the whole school would raise and we competed in the TTRS competition and Year 4 got the highest score in the whole school!! Wow!!
year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog
In Maths, Year 4 have been learning to measure the perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes. Did you know a rectilinear shape is a closed shape with straight sides that meet at right angles? The children explored perimeter by using lollipop sticks to create rectilinear shapes and then added up the number of lollipop sticks to represent the perimeter.
Exploring Still Life
year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog
In Art, Year 4 have been learning about Paul Cezanne and his Still Lifes. In particular, we have looked at Cezanne's brush strokes and had go at gestural drawing. This week, we have been exploring the use of colour used by Contemporary and Dutch Still Life artists. Take a look at our sketchbooks!
Making and playing Dreidels
year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog
Year 4 have been learning about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. Hanukkah celebrates the Jewish people’s struggle for their freedom. It is also known as the festival of Lights. It is a time when Jews remember the desolation of their holy Temple in Jerusalem by King Antiochus in 164/165 BC. Jews celebrate Hanukkah by lighting a special menorah, called a Hanukkiah. The celebration lasts 8 days due to the miracle of the oil in the Menorah lasting 8 whole days. The children discovered another way of celebrating Hanukah was eating food cooked in oil such as potato pancakes and jelly doughnuts, and playing a game called dreidel. The children then made their own dreidels and had a go at playing the game.