St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

Friday 4th April - Chocolate Egg Donation Day - Wear Your Own Clothes in Exchange for a Chocolate Donation

St Thomas' Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN

01253 722022


Our school is very much part of the community and parish of St Thomas'.  We visit the church for worship and as part of our RE learning, and the Vicar and Church leaders lead our worship  in school each week. Our school visits the church for worship and for other special events such as the Experience Church Workshops, for our Christingel servivce, for the Christmas Nativity and Carol Concert and for our end of year celebrations.  Many of our Governors are active members of St Thomas' Church too.  

Click here to find out more about St Thomas' Church 

Click here to be taken to St Thomas' Church Services page 

Click here to read the latest St Thomas' Church magazine 

Click here to be taken to St Thomas' Church Forthcoming events page

On Sunday October 27th we welcomed our new vicar, Canon Michael Manley as part of his Induction Service which was led by Bishop Philip.  Canon Michael leads worship in our school and is a very friendly face for our school community. 

Our Year 2 and Year 4 children take part in Experience Church workshops at St Thomas' Church. They explore the church building and find out the importance of some of the features. They also work with some of the parishioners and do crafts and sewing too.  It's great fun!

Our KS2 Carol Concert is held at St Thomas' church every year. We love singing and performing for the whole school community whilst we share the good news of Jesus' birth.

Our school loves to celebrate in worship with our Puppeteers.  At Christmas they shared the Christmas Bohemian Rhapsody - take a look and be amazed! 

Our church family are invited to join in the Brick Church Sessions each month at St Thomas' Parish Hall. Families can hear Bible stories and songs and make Lego and Duplo models of the stories. 

Our school Harvest collection was collected by Mr Bennett from St Thomas' church and was shared, along with the church collection, with the local foodbank.