St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

Friday 4th April - Chocolate Egg Donation Day - Wear Your Own Clothes in Exchange for a Chocolate Donation

St Thomas' Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN

01253 722022


Parents, Teachers & Friends Association

Our PTFA are an active team of volunteers who work very hard to support the work of our school with fundraising.  Their work enables us to pay for many of the 'extras' we offer our children, which the school budget just cannot normally afford. We are very grateful for the time and effort that goes into the fundraising across the full school year.  This year they have organised lots of enjoyable fundraising events for the whole school community:

  • Scholastic Book Fair at Parents' Evenings in Autumn and Spring
  • Christmas Fair 
  • Chocolate Trainers Day
  • Easter Bingo and raffle
  • Mothers' Day Gift Stall
  • Fathers' Day Gift stall
  • School Discos
  • Summer Fair
  • Break the Rules Day

The Committee meets each term with school leaders; they also meet to organise specific events. 

Chair: Kirsty McDonald

Treasurer: Natalie Heywood

In addition to these post holders, there is a team of willing volunteers who help to organise, run and support at the events, along with the school staff.  The PTFA have their own Facebook page.  If you are interested in supporting the work of the PTFA, please contact the school office and we can pass on your details, talk to one of the volunteers or contact them through their Facebook page. 


This year they have been raising funds to help develop our outdoor play spaces.  In addition, the PTFA supported the work of our school in the following ways:

  • The Christmas Fair enabled school to buy an outdoor Table Tennis table - getting children active!
  • Commission from The Scholastic Book Fairs enabled school to buy £800 worth of books for our classroom book areas - getting children reading.
  • Children in each class were able to have a visit from Mr Worrell, the History man - bringing learning to life.
  • School Trips were subsidised to help cover the costs of coach transport - enhancing Cultural awareness.
  • Father Christmas was able to visit all the Infant class parties and each Junior class had a whole class Christmas present - bringing joy!
  • Year 6 children visited Tiggis in their last week for a special meal, fully paid for by PTFA funds - celebrating with our children.
  • Year 6 children enjoyed a visit from an ice-cream van in their last week, fully paid for by PTFA funds - celebrating with our children.

We are very grateful for their work!

Click here to see more about the work of the PTFA on their Facebook page.