St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

Friday 4th April - Chocolate Egg Donation Day - Wear Your Own Clothes in Exchange for a Chocolate Donation

St Thomas' Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN

01253 722022


“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” - Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was an American businessman most famous for his co-founding of Apple.  This quote references that design isn’t just a tactile or aesthetic thing, but actually functional.

 Design Technology at St Thomas'  

Design and technology learning allows pupils to use creativity and imagination. Our pupils will design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They will acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art.  Children will learn about a number of designers, engineers and architects and our children will reflect on their work, their techniques and use these within their own designs.  

Our Design Technology work in school is based around the Schemes of Work from Curriculum Maestro (Cornerstones Curriculum). All our design and technology projects are well sequenced to provide a coherent subject scheme that develops children’s designing, planning, making and evaluating skills. Each project is based around a design and technology subject focus of structures, mechanisms, cooking and nutrition or textiles. These projects allow for the sequential development of subject specific knowledge and practical knowledge. The design and technology curriculum’s electronic systems and IT monitoring and control elements are explicitly taught in our science lessons to ensure the links between subjects are highlighted.

 Subject overview - DT.pdfDownload
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Take a look at our learning in DT

Year 1 children plan, design and make vehicles with wheels axles and chassis. 

Year 1 children select materials and have been taught how to use tools safely and independently.

Year 2 children look at the beach huts near our school on St Annes promenade, then they design, plan and make their own beach huts.  They work with wood and learn how to strengthen structures.

Year 2 children learn to follow recipes and use kitchen tools safely. They learn food hygiene rules. Look at their delicious banana bread! 

Year 6 children use their knowledge about structures and the work of famous bridge designers when they design, plan and make their own bridge strutures.  They work co-operatively and select their materials. 

Year 5 children plan, design and make seasonal soups. They build on their food preparation skills, work hygienically and cook independently on our hobs. They love to taste what they have made and evaulate it too.