St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

Friday 4th April - Chocolate Egg Donation Day - Wear Your Own Clothes in Exchange for a Chocolate Donation

St Thomas' Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN

01253 722022


We acknowledge that test results or assessment data is not the sum total of everything we do with and for our children in school. We place an emphasis on providing a fully rounded education, and a wide range of exeriences and opportunities with areas for personal development, and we are proud that our pupils achieve well in many areas not assessed by testing.

However,we are delighted that at the end of their education with us, our pupils regularly achieve extremely well in the core areas of Reading, Writing and Maths.  Our cohorts of pupils have achieved consistently superb results, acheiving above the National Average in all three areas.      

Our Summer 2022, Summer 2023 and Summer 2024 End of Key Stage 2 data for Reading, Writing and Maths was again above the local and national averages.  In fact, our Year 6 pupils achieved so well in Reading in Summer 2023, that our school was officially in the highest 20% of schools across the country! 

Our assessment data at other points in children's learning is also above the national and local averages.  In Summer 2024:

  • At the end of their year in our Reception (Early Years) class, our pupils achieved very well and were above the local and National Averages. 
  • At the end of Year One, our pupils attainment in phonics was well above the local and National Averages. 

We certainly get our children off to a great start!  

This in line with our School Vision for educating our pupils ... Inspiring each other to shine!

  • A nurturing family – All members of our school community are loved, cared for, valued and respected in our happy, enabling environment. 
  • Celebrating individuals – We encourage children to feel pride in their efforts, have confidence in their own abilities and celebrate individual successes in all areas of life. 
  • Learning for life - We promote a love of learning and foster children’s curiosity about the world around them, so that they experience life in all its fullness both now and in the future. 
  • Inspiring excellence – We equip children with a strong foundation of knowledge, skills and attitudes through a carefully planned and engaging curriculum, with a wide range of opportunities both in and out of the classroom. 
  • Working together – Our welcoming, open school culture creates strong relationships with parents and carers, the church and the wider community, enabling all to flourish. 
  • Distinctly Christian Our Christian values are at the heart of all we do. Jesus reminds us in Matthew’s Gospel that we are lights for the world. We share our light with others.  

Click here to see our wonderful school performance data on the Government school data website.