St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

School re-opens on Monday 24th February 2025 - Wishing all our families a lovely and restful holiday

St Thomas' Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN

01253 722022


SIAMS - Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools   

These inspections focus on how our school vision underpins and informs all that we do here at St Thomas' Church of England School.  The inspection is undertaken by an independent inspector and is carried out against the 7 strands of the SIAMS schedule. The focus is on addressing one fundamental question: "How effective is the school's distinctive Christian vision established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?"

Please read the latest SIAMs report from June 2017 below: