St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

St Thomas' Church Of England Primary School

School re-opens on Monday 24th February 2025 - Wishing all our families a lovely and restful holiday

St Thomas' Road, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1JN

01253 722022

Eco Council

"The sustainability revolution will, hopefully, be the third major social and economic turning point in human history." King Charles III

King Charles has been a vocal advocate for environmental action and sustainability throughout his life. 

Genesis 1:27: "God said to human beings, 'Fill the earth with people and look after it. Care for all that I have made.'"

Our Eco Council members help us to remember our reponsibilites to help look after God's wonderful world.   We have earned our Eco Award with Distinction and are very proud of the work we do within our school to help the planet and share this with our pupils and their families.  We haave chose our Curriculum themes carefully and there are threads of Eco & Sustainability woven through our work in a range of subejcts. The texts we have chosen in English support this focus and make children think about the planet, how our actions can have a negative impact and the ways we can help and stop any further damage.  Our Forest School and Come Outside Curriculum get our children learning and active in the outdoors and inspire them to take action for the planet.

At our school, all children grow... and we have our polytunnel area which acts as a greenhouse for our growing projects.  We all love eating the food that we grow each year. 

Remember - if you have any old batteries at home, please dont throw them in the bin - please bring them in to the school entrance as we collect them in school for recycling!  

 Take a look at the work of our Eco Council

Here are our Eco Councillors for this school year.  Well done for being elected by your classmates in our elections!

Our Eco Councillors help us to recycle our paper and card every week.  

Eco Council Blog

The Big Switch Off

L Walton (L.Walton) on: Eco Council Blog

In November our Eco Warriors spent two weeks checking that staff and children were turning off things that used energy when they were not in use.  The great news is, we continue to be GREAT at being economic with our use of lights, screens and other devices. The children delivered an ECO worship to the whole school about how important our energy saving in school is and the positive impact we can have on the environment. 

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Eco Friendly Resources

L Walton (L.Walton) on: Eco Council Blog

Our school has been busy trying out White Board pencils and re-fillable glue sticks to see if we can reduce the amount of 'plastic' used at our school.  So far we think the products are doing the job that they need to. 

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RSPB Big Schools Bird Watch Preparations

L Walton (L.Walton) on: Eco Council Blog

We have been creating bird feeders in our Forest School area to encourage our biodiversity. We will be completing the Big School Bird Watch and reporting our findings to the RSPB to help support their understanding of British birds and their numbers. 

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First Meeting for the Eco Council

L Walton (L.Walton) on: Eco Council Blog

During the first meeting the new team talked about what it means to be 'eco'.  We talked about whose responsibility it was to look after our world and we decided it was everyone's responsibility.  We brainstormed all the things we can do day-to-day in school such as put litter in the bin, recycle and make sure our lights are switched off when we are not using them.  The school Eco council agreed that their first job in role is to check their own classroom has a paper recycling bin in it and to check that all the children in class and teachers know where it is. 

In our next meeting we will be planning what the three focus areas are for our school this year.  Great work Eco Warriors!

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The ECO warriors completed the Big Schools Bird Watch and submitted their results to the RSPB. We saw lots of magpies, black headed gulls and pigeons.  We saw two robins as well! 

The KS2 children supported the KS1 children in identifying the type of bird, talking about the different calls, shapes and colours using an identification chart.  Our school governor Mr Bennett and parent helper, Ms McDonald, helped out too. 

Our Eco Councillors helped to make our Eco bricks. It takes time as we have to build up the layers slowly.  We have begun to use our ECO bricks to build some furniture in our Forest School Area.