Year 4
Teacher: Mrs Mabe
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Lowe, Mrs Greer, Mrs Arciniega and Mrs Thornborough
Our Gospel Value is: Peace
Our School Councillors: Theo and Melin
Our Eco Warriors: Eva and Melody
Our SHINE Councillors: Tonaya, Heather and Robert
Our link Governor is: Mandy Palmer
Helpful Information:
Reading records are needed in school every day.
When your child has finished reading their book they may change it for another one.
Library book changing day is Wednesday.
PE days are Tuesday and Thursday- please come in PE kits.
Homework is given out every Friday to be completed and returned by the following Thursday.
Spelling tests are weekly on Friday. Weekly scores will be written in your child's reading record.
Log-ins for Timestables Rockstars and Nessy are in the front of your child's reading record.
Musical instruments for lessons will be safely stored in Year 4's cupboard - don't forget to take them home at the end of the day!
Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack for morning playtime.
Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day (water only). Please make sure water bottles are clearly named and are returned daily after washing.
Looking ahead:
- Year 4's Christingle Service in Church on Thursday 19th December 2024.
- Forest School and 'Come Outside' Curriculum in Spring Term.
- Trip to Fairhaven Lake on Thursday 9th January 2025.
- Visit to Bolton Museum on Thursday 24th April 2025.
Autumn Term message from Mrs Mabe:
A warm welcome to Year 4 after the summer holidays! We hope you have all had a well deserved rest and are raring to go! The Autumn Term is jam packed full of exciting learning. We are beginning with our History topic 'Invaders'. Following on from the Romans in Year 3 we will be exploring what happens after the Roman withdrawal from Britain in 410AD and who invades next... Our Science topics this term are 'Food and the Digestive System' and 'Sound'. We have some exciting experiments so watch out for pictures. To find out even more about what we will be learning and discovering this half term, please have a look at the documents below.
At St Thomas' we LOVE to read, have a look at Year 4's 50 recommended reads below. What will you read next?
Times tables! Times tables! Times tables! In June, all Year 4 children will have to complete the Multiplication Tables Check. This means it is more important than ever to be practising your timetables at every opportunity. Whether it is reciting them in the car or practising on TimesTables Rockstars (Garage) for 3 minutes per day. We will also be learning our times tables in class. For more information please see the PowerPoint below.
Please have a look at our 'Knowledge Organisers' linked below. These contain our key learning for Autumn in History, Geography, Science, French and DT.
If you have any questions - please do not hesitate to ask - I am happy to help!
Mrs Mabe
Safer Internet Day!
Posted: Feb 25, 2024 by: year4 teacher (F.Mabe) on: Year 4 Blog
Our whole school participated in 'Safer Internet Day' on Tuesday 6th February 2024. Year 4 had the opportunity to participate in a live lesson learning all about the role Gen AI technology plays in our daily lives. We discussed how it can be used for good and how it needs to be developed further in the future. We also thought about future careers using or designing Gen AI. We were given a list of instructions to draw a rabbit, we compared our drawings to those created by Gen AI. We discovered that Gen AI needs a specific list of commands.