Teacher: Mrs Cropper
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Colley and Mrs Sayer
Our Gospel Value is: Respect
Pupil Leaders:
Our School Councillors: Alisha and Emily
Our Eco Warriors: Sienna and Daniel
Our SHINE Councillors: Saoirse and Tom
Our link Governor is: Gillian Anderson
Helpful Information:
Reading books can be changed when your child has finished their book.
Reading records are needed in school every day
- Homework (including spellings) is handed out on a Friday and due in on a Friday
Library book changing day is Wednesday
PE days are Wednesday and Thursday - come in PE kits ready for these lessons. Thursday is indoor PE.
Spelling test will be on a Friday
Log-on for TTRocks is in the front of your child's reading diary
Musical instruments - bring in for lessons and take home after lessons:
Monday – Guitar, Keyboard & Woodwind (flute, clarinet, saxophone)
Tuesday – Violin
Tuesday – Drums
Friday – Trumpet
Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack
Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day. This must contain water - no juice or flavoured water. Please return these daily after washing
Looking ahead:
- Monday 24th February 2025- Bikeability
- Monday 3rd March 2025- Bikeability
- Monday 10th March 2025- Let's Go Sing performance
Autumn Term message from Mrs Cropper:
Welcome back to an Exciting Spring Term
Useful Documents for Year 5
Year 5 Curriculum Overview Summary
Year 5 Meet the Teacher Information
Spring Term Documents
Year 5 Learning Letter for Spring
Year 5 Spelling Overview Spring 1
Autumn Term Documents
Year 5 Learning Letter for Autumn
Superb Space STEM work
Posted: Feb 15, 2024 by: L Walton (L.Walton) on: Year 5 Blog
As as launch(!) to our Moon week, Mrs Cropper arranged for a STEM ambassador to come into Year 5 for the full day. It was a brilliant day and his space knowedge was just phenomenal, awesome and very inspirational. We were full of questions for him....and he could answer them all! WOW!