Teacher: Mrs Cropper
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Colley and Mrs Sayer
Our Gospel Value is: Respect
Pupil Leaders:
Our School Councillors: Alisha and Emily
Our Eco Warriors: Sienna and Daniel
Our SHINE Councillors: Saoirse and Tom
Our link Governor is: Gillian Anderson
Helpful Information:
Reading books can be changed when your child has finished their book.
Reading records are needed in school every day
- Homework (including spellings) is handed out on a Friday and due in on a Friday
Library book changing day is Wednesday
PE days are Wednesday and Thursday - come in PE kits ready for these lessons. Thursday is indoor PE.
Spelling test will be on a Friday
Log-on for TTRocks is in the front of your child's reading diary
Musical instruments - bring in for lessons and take home after lessons:
Monday – Guitar, Keyboard & Woodwind (flute, clarinet, saxophone)
Tuesday – Violin
Tuesday – Drums
Friday – Trumpet
Healthy snacks - if your child does not have morning toast, they may bring in a healthy snack
Water bottles - children will need a water bottle in school each day. This must contain water - no juice or flavoured water. Please return these daily after washing
Looking ahead:
- Monday 24th February 2025- Bikeability
- Monday 3rd March 2025- Bikeability
- Monday 10th March 2025- Let's Go Sing performance
Autumn Term message from Mrs Cropper:
Welcome back to an Exciting Spring Term
Useful Documents for Year 5
Year 5 Curriculum Overview Summary
Year 5 Meet the Teacher Information
Spring Term Documents
Year 5 Learning Letter for Spring
Year 5 Spelling Overview Spring 1
Autumn Term Documents
Year 5 Learning Letter for Autumn
Seasonal Soup Making in Year 5
Posted: Mar 24, 2024 by: year5 teacher (S.Cropper) on: Year 5 Blog
Sometimes things don't go according to plan... and that's exactly what happened when we tried to make a seasonal soup as part of our Design and Technology (DT) learning this week!
First, we gathered all the fresh produce - celery, onions and garlic. We were all excited to chop and cook, imagining the delicious aroma that would fill the classroom.
But here's the twist: the liquid stock got absorbed too quickly by the orzo! The soup turned out to be more like a stew. Oops!
However, we didn't let that dampen our spirits. We tasted the hearty concoction and it was still tasty! Even though it wasn't what we initially intended, we all learnt some valuable chopping and cooking skills and had fun doing it.
If you did want to recreate our masterpiece, the recipe can be found here: